Get Involved
There are many easy ways to help improve the lives of our community cats.
We train you on how to TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return)
Organize or assist with a fundraising event - have a child that needs a badge or community service hours? We can help
- SPAY/NEUTER - Prevent unwanted litters and overpopulation of community cats - ALWAYS SPAY/NEUTER YOUR PET
- MICROCHIP - millions of animals are accidentally separated from their caretakers each year - the most efficient way to reunite them quickly and safely is by microchipping.
- VOLUNTEER - use your time and talents to help a local animal rescue group
We train you on how to TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return)
Organize or assist with a fundraising event - have a child that needs a badge or community service hours? We can help
- KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS AND THEIR PETS - Ensure you educate and assist your neighbors to properly care for their cat and prevent unwanted litters - Help remove roadblocks that prevent they from taking proper care of their pets